Tuesday, May 3, 2011

narrative/sequence critique

My favorite presentations today were:
  • Erica's Cat documentary: It was hilarious. I loved that it was in the form of a documentary. I only wish she would have done it for the alternative persona presentation instead, I think I has a little more merit as that but heck I'm not complaining, it was great.
  • Amanda's documentary: Even though It wasn't finished, I thought she did a really good job at making it like an honest to goodness legit documentary. Plus putting Radiohead in there as pull-on-your-heart-strings music was a great touch. The concept behind it is pretty heavy but I think as their Aunt she probably has the least likelihood of creating problems as she cares for and loves all of the parties involved.
  • Andrea's photo sequence: the premise was very simple but that just goes to show, simple done really well can be just as good or better than super complicated things

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