Monday, May 23, 2011

Entry as Alt Persona

Hi I'm Jenny, and I'm a returning student here at UCSB, well kind of new, I took 3 years off because back In 2011 I had a stroke that occured after I got an infection when I got my wisdom teeth out that spread to my heart. My stroke effected the left hemispere of my brain which effected the right side of my body, thankfully I'm left-handed so I didn't have to learn to write with a different handI have had A LOT of therapy since in which I have to undergo speech therapy, and extensive rehabilitation on the right side of my body more specifically my leg and my arm. After learning how to opporate the muscles in my right leg again I can now walk quite well, I still have a brace for my ankle stability and to prevent it from seizing up, I have a little bit of a limp but It's dealible. My arm on the other hand has not had as good of results. At this point in time I have mimimal feeling in my fingers and some in my shoulder, I call my arm more of a helping tool than an arm but my doctors are hoping that I will eventually get about 20-25% of my arm function back which is much better than the ~5% i have now. Life since my stroke has changed quite significantly, things are much slower than the once were (like typing, one hand definitely takes a lot longer. I think what I miss most about my old life is playing sports competively, I used to play tennis, i do somewhat now, i just miss serving, that was my best shot...

Well best be going, Homework to do!


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