Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Good" films "Good" guys

A couple of weeks ago I watched The Good Guy on Netflix, which ended up being a very different movie than I expected after seeing the trailer, but still good. It stars Alexis Bledel (a la Gilmore Girls), Scott Porter, Bryan Greenberg and Anna Chulmsky(aka the Girl from My Girl!) and even Meg from Little Women!(Whaaat?! I know!). I liked the change-up in narrative structure that starts and ends with the end. It ends up how you expect, it just doesn't exactly get there the way you expect, which I liked. The acting and probably the dialogue as well were the weakest elements of the movie, which is a pretty big warning sign but the story is there and it was made well so I wasn't too disappointed.I liked the cinematography quite a lot, there were a number of really cool shots that played with depth and focus and incorrperated some cool New York street elements. The cinematographer really liked this 180 degree swing around shot but he used it sparingly so it came off as cool and not redundant. Over all I'd probably give the movie a C+. Not bad, not amazing but in terms of the mise-en-scene and cinematography it was a solid B+. I also really liked the use of an unreliable narrator, it puts a lot of irony into the movie oh, and it has a good soundtrack

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