Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I was not able to make class today because I got food poisoning for the first time in my life...yay.
When I woke up this morning I poured myself some cereal and milk and started eating. It tasted kind of funny to me but as I bought my milk the day before yesterday I figured it was just me as I hate eating right when I wake up and nothing ever really tastes good. Well I kept eating but about half way through I stopped and dumped out the rest, felling really gross. Then when I pour myself water I found the problem, I thought the lightbulb in the fridge had just blown out but actually nothing in the fridge was cold, and I later found out that the fridge was open a crack all night and my roommate had forgot to tell me before she left for her 8am.
Thus began one of the worst mornings ever. The cramping came first and the crazy stomach churning, which I tried to off-set with the lactate pills I take occasionally because I'm "lactose sensitive". But taking those made my stomach decide that it was done holding anything and then I...threw up...a lot. It. has not been a good day, spent mostly in the fetal position. :(
...and what pisses me off the most, besides having to throw most of my food away, missing today's class that I was really looking forward to, as well as my other classes, including one that I have a paper due tomorrow for...ok im pissed... is the fact that (except for a couple times when I've had too much alcohol) I haven't thrown up since I was 7 and decided to eat an entire bag of bbq lays. It literally took me a decade to start eating those chips again, milk...i think you're off the menu for a while. and I really need to stop bc talking about all this is making me feel grosser and grosser by the word.

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