Monday, April 25, 2011

review: Venice Beach Boardwalk

Over the weekend I went to my friend's house in El Segundo for the holiday, while there we made a trip to Venice Beach. I hadn't been since I was really young, and forgot about the vast amount of street art present on the boardwalk. I decided to review it this week, what struck me was how surprised my friends(who are not what one would call "art inclined") were in my decision to take pictures. Its really quite strange how many people are oblivious to the art that isn't in museums, that surrounds us everyday.
R. Cronk - he obviously is the BMOC around there
Previous 4 by R. Cronk
I loved his homage to Botticelli's The Birth of Venus, the venus is in 90's garb and has a thought bubble that says "history is myth"
Emily Winters, Endangered Species 1990
Some "Grafitti"
Muscle Beach Architecture
I loved the boardwalk, we figured it would be dead at 7 o clock on Easter sunday, nope, definitely not. In fact there was a huge uh, drum circle that was literally just a ton of people drumming and dancing.

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