Thursday, April 7, 2011

ready for readymades!

Non-Art Object -> Art Object
I'll give some of my ideas for this project I've had thus far, I'm not the biggest fan of people knowing everything about my work before I present it so I'll be clear and vague at the same time (if this is ok)
  • Stove-Oven Unit - I chose utilitarian objects that I can use their uses as symbolism. Stoves/Ovens are used to prepare things that will nourish us and ultimately keep us alive. I like the idea of fire being incorporated into into this project with the burners and heat elements and also because the fire is unnatural I would emphasis the color blue within the piece. If I were a betting person however I'd guess that we will have to be able to transport our pieces so this probably wont work.
  • Heater Unit - Also very impractical if transport is involved. But this with it's purpose of heating our surroundings and person would also probably dabble in the idea of the unnatural elements (earth wind water fire). Depending on the degree of use of outside objects besides the center-piece this could also potentially be problematic.
  • Vacuum - This would relate to a vacuum's function of taking away, sucking up, cleaning up, and removing things. Also I like that going with the unnatural element theme because a vacuum is really the most extreme wind (tornados, dust devils). I would make use of the clear filter to incorperate a message (either in relation to or in addition to the themes afore mentioned)
  • Carpet/Linolium/Tile/Wood...Flooring in general - This would cover the faux earth element. I would perhaps use these textiles as the subjects of a photo series that incoorperates the natural elements each represent into the photos... though now that i think about it flooring doesn't really scream "readymade" to me so we will see.
  • Other - brooms, soap, cleaning products in general, plastic bags, lots of ideas are swirling in this head.
Art Object -> Non-Art Object: This aspect of the assignment I'll admit is the one I'm having more trouble with but some idea's include:
  • picture frames:(I consider these art objects, at least the fancy ones) and lots of do what? not so sure...
  • a large tin music note I have: as a... weapon? coat rack? work out object? since a trend here? yeah...I'm very up in the air with this one.
  • Other: paper weights? beach towels? clothing? magazines?

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