Tuesday, April 12, 2011

i fly as gracefully as superman and batman...w/o the need of a cape or wings. can you say baller?


The thing about me and embarrassing things is I tend to forget a lot of the things I've done embarrassing(and no it's not because alcohol was involved, though there have been a few of those times as well). But really I don't get embarrassed too often around the people I know (save my parents, particularly my dad). Anyways one "embarrassing" but really just hilarious story was during my senior year of high school. We(five of my closest friends) were at one of their houses waiting for the sixth person to arrive so we could go ice-blocking. We were all going in my friend Erin's 5 seater car where her rule is whoever gets to the front seat first gets to sit in the front seat. Being the only girl besides the driver I did not want the back seat because I knew I would be the one squished the most. Well our 6th finally got there and the moment he walked in the door I grabbed Erin's keys and bolted for the front door. All the guys right behind me, I swung open the front door of the house only to become airborne, the welcome rug having slid out behind me. I literally did a superman flight (in slow motion) out the door, onto the concrete, keys flying out in front of me. Then everyone froze. Well, face down knees feeling broken what did I do first? Check to make sure my undies weren't showing. In the clear I just started dying of laughter along with everyone else except Nathan who jumps over me, grabs the keys off the ground and runs to the front seat. Yep so I ended up laying on top of my friends in the back seat, knees bleeding them making fun of me the rest of the night... and quite a lot since.

ok sense writing this I have talked to Erin and she has graciously reminded me of worse experiences haha but well...I'm tired of writing. hmm maybe that will be my confession wahaha

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