Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Monday: "fart without the f"

I loved kips opening lecture and found it to be very well done. I think it showed the perfect amount of what we can expect from this class along with wit intelligence and the perfect amount of class participation. I as the one who referred to the new speaker of the house John Boehner (unfortuate last name he has doesn't he) as "the crying dude".

I think Kip demonstrated how much art is a vital part of life (in both good and bad ways) very well. "Its purpose is to explore and comment on culture" something that seems so obvious but as I've never heard it put in those terms it stood out especially for me. Even though I had seen many of the images presented in class I liked that he talked about them in relation to the bigger picture, in relation to life. I liked when he talked about iconic images and what a huge influence they have had on the events of history. I'm very excited for his next lecture.
"artists challenge pre-concieved ideas that we already have"
I hope to do so in this class. I also have become addicted to watching "Where the Hell is Matt" clips now, such a simple idea, such a huge reaction. I love it.

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