Thursday, March 31, 2011

Can you hear me now?

I love this topic because its something I actually think about all the time. I personally think the most useful and generation changing things of the past 20 years would be for quite obvious reasons, the internet and the cell phone. But I tend to think about the cellphone more often, and especially when I'm traveling. It's crazy to think about how much waiting people(including myself and my family until about 1999 for my parents and 2006 for myself) used to do, and for that reason alone I am so thankful for the mobile phone. I lost my cellphone at the beginning of last quarter and realized then how important it is to me, its not even that I missed the texts and calls but really I wanted the security blanket that the cellphone really is. I'm not a phone person, really, I hate calling people and even talking on the phone I'm just not a fan, I'm a face to face kind of person. I like texting when its just a question or something but even that because my parents didn't get me texting until the beginning of freshman year of college, I'm still way behind, I don't have unlimited texting which people are always shocked to find out and I personally think I need it but I'm fine as it is...though I would love an iPhone, i'd like to be able to Mapquest where I am if I'm lost and look up questions I have on the spot but we'll see, Phones are not where I spend my money, I've had the free upgrade flip phone until January and they have been completely fine with me. I actually kind of despise my new phone because of its automatic key lock thing, it absolutely drives me crazy especially in the morning when I'm have asleep trying to turn off my alarm. Anyways back to the actual topic on hand iI'd actually like it if we didn't have cellphones for a while, there would be a lot more random knocks on the door which I miss, though considering my train home for spring break got in three hours late I am definitely glad I was able to call my parents to warn them.

Jenny's Phone Chronology: Which is really basically irrelevant but I did it anyways.

Ages 14-16, this was my dad's phone that broke where you couldn't see the screen or receive calls but it could call out...and it was free...

Ages: 16-18, know as "the brick" by my friends because it was like an inch and a half thick. My friend accidently got it stolen and I had to go without a phone for a month until we switched from AT&T to Verizon. and do not be deceived by the picture, the only way you could listen to music was if you had a PC, which I don't

Ages 18-19 1/2 - I lost this in Girvetz never to be heard or seen from again :/

1/11-present - annoying freaking $100 phone I had to buy, and that was the cheapest one...i do like the keyboard thing though...

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