Thursday, March 31, 2011

Can you hear me now?

I love this topic because its something I actually think about all the time. I personally think the most useful and generation changing things of the past 20 years would be for quite obvious reasons, the internet and the cell phone. But I tend to think about the cellphone more often, and especially when I'm traveling. It's crazy to think about how much waiting people(including myself and my family until about 1999 for my parents and 2006 for myself) used to do, and for that reason alone I am so thankful for the mobile phone. I lost my cellphone at the beginning of last quarter and realized then how important it is to me, its not even that I missed the texts and calls but really I wanted the security blanket that the cellphone really is. I'm not a phone person, really, I hate calling people and even talking on the phone I'm just not a fan, I'm a face to face kind of person. I like texting when its just a question or something but even that because my parents didn't get me texting until the beginning of freshman year of college, I'm still way behind, I don't have unlimited texting which people are always shocked to find out and I personally think I need it but I'm fine as it is...though I would love an iPhone, i'd like to be able to Mapquest where I am if I'm lost and look up questions I have on the spot but we'll see, Phones are not where I spend my money, I've had the free upgrade flip phone until January and they have been completely fine with me. I actually kind of despise my new phone because of its automatic key lock thing, it absolutely drives me crazy especially in the morning when I'm have asleep trying to turn off my alarm. Anyways back to the actual topic on hand iI'd actually like it if we didn't have cellphones for a while, there would be a lot more random knocks on the door which I miss, though considering my train home for spring break got in three hours late I am definitely glad I was able to call my parents to warn them.

Jenny's Phone Chronology: Which is really basically irrelevant but I did it anyways.

Ages 14-16, this was my dad's phone that broke where you couldn't see the screen or receive calls but it could call out...and it was free...

Ages: 16-18, know as "the brick" by my friends because it was like an inch and a half thick. My friend accidently got it stolen and I had to go without a phone for a month until we switched from AT&T to Verizon. and do not be deceived by the picture, the only way you could listen to music was if you had a PC, which I don't

Ages 18-19 1/2 - I lost this in Girvetz never to be heard or seen from again :/

1/11-present - annoying freaking $100 phone I had to buy, and that was the cheapest one...i do like the keyboard thing though...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday: Bones and Myths

Today my friend was talking about an assignment for her Greek myth class that she's taking where she has to make a presentation about something that reminds her of Greek mythology and that made me think about what I would say and of the many things I thought of the most substantial example I could think of for myself is seen in the music video for The Killers song "Bones". The skeletons in the music video is footage from the 1963 version of Jason and the Arganauts that I watched in my Sophmore English class in high school.

O.G. Skeletons - Best Part: 1:09 - the first time I saw that I just about died from laughter... and continued to imitate it for the rest of the year.

The Killers' "Bones" Music Video - I absolutely love how they referenced the movie, its just a perfect homage to a movie that was so high tech for the 60's but is very comical now.

Tuesday: Concerns and Fears

I think my biggest concern about this class us the 8 pm blog due time because I generally don't even start my homework until around that time but obviously I'll have to adjust or do my Wednesday blog early on Wednesday (i.e. 12am). Also the blogging promptly everyday thing is cool but personally i just which it was due by 12am instead, but hey I'm just happy to be in the class, so this is not me complaining. Also the 2 absences and you fail thing scares me bc i have insomnia and oversleep sometimes... That being said I am so so so excited about this class. I will help- no make me break out of my shell( not that its a thick shell more like a lining) more and I love that there are weekly art assignments (even if they're small ones). When I took 1C Fall quarter Kip was a guest lecturer and I loved his lecture style and related to him so well (He talked about having ADHD, which I have, and loved that what he described I was basically doing in my chair). I was very moved by his work particuarly his Permanance and Hapa series. I feel so lucky to be taught by such a brilliant yet completely down to earth artist. I just need to see Enter the Dragon.

Monday: "fart without the f"

I loved kips opening lecture and found it to be very well done. I think it showed the perfect amount of what we can expect from this class along with wit intelligence and the perfect amount of class participation. I as the one who referred to the new speaker of the house John Boehner (unfortuate last name he has doesn't he) as "the crying dude".

I think Kip demonstrated how much art is a vital part of life (in both good and bad ways) very well. "Its purpose is to explore and comment on culture" something that seems so obvious but as I've never heard it put in those terms it stood out especially for me. Even though I had seen many of the images presented in class I liked that he talked about them in relation to the bigger picture, in relation to life. I liked when he talked about iconic images and what a huge influence they have had on the events of history. I'm very excited for his next lecture.
"artists challenge pre-concieved ideas that we already have"
I hope to do so in this class. I also have become addicted to watching "Where the Hell is Matt" clips now, such a simple idea, such a huge reaction. I love it.