Friday, June 24, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

P is for Press review

"pinning" but not actually to the wall
her little corner!
awkward candid

On Friday I went to the Art 14 gallery exhibit for Winter and Spring quarters. My friend Amanda Hill (whose work I have) was in the class this quarter(I tried to get in but my schedule was too full, but am taking it this fall). I tell you I was like a kid in a candy store are that show, I kept on saying, "Im so Excited!!!" as in to do print. anyways back to the review...
I was awesome, I love that I had some knowledge of the assignments from Amanda and the fact that I went to the first class. The only reason I don't have pictures from the gallery besides Amanda's and a wide angle one where you cant distiguish one from another is because I have this weird thing about photographing student work(w/o their permission) that is in classes I plan to take...its weird I know but besides amanda's cool stuff, In the far back where all the letter blocks are was where the papermaking class had some of their stuff, one that was really cool was one that if you blew your warm breath on the paper, clouds outlines would emerge. Also I loved this girl who had a large print of a woman's face that turned into long hair. I loved that gallery. LOVE!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Personal Space Good vs. Evil

Today I helped Darcy out in her project and played the "angel" or "good influence" to her "devil"/"bad influence. I'm not just saying this because I was the good one but, psh I was gooood. The dollar that Darcy had set out in front of us the entire time stayed safely there thanks to me and my awesome goodness," my strategy when it came to the money was "karma" and "finals" those were the magic words, and it really worked. People would be so close but nope, i was just too good. It was kind of hard thinking of good advice so I would end up yelling compliments at random people. I kind of became a spokesperson for Jamba Juice, they seriously should have payed me. After about an hour and a half we wandered around and looked at some other projects while still in character though me sans the white bathrobe I was wearing because I was toast-eee. But Thursday was really fun and I'm glad I ended up getting to see other people's projects because I thought I wasn't going to, helping out Darcy and all but I'm really glad I did end up getting to see other people's projects. Thursday and Flash Mob day were definitely my favorite days in class this quarter because we actually got to bond. it was great. (oh and its depressing that we all bonded so late in the quarter, I'm going to miss this class)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Concerns/Fears revamped

(this is a hindu symbol that means basically coming full circle)
Well in terms of timing and the start time i was pretty on the spot, sorry about that.
I think I came into this class thinking it would be different than it was, I loved the class overall but I was very intimidated and in a couple of cases, the intimidation got the better of me and I changed to something more comfortable (narrative/sequence assignment comes to mind, I was so overwelmed with that project and I ended up having about 5 written spoken word pieces, and I just chose the poem I did because it was the most meaningful to me that wouldn't make me cry. I do think I came out of my shell by the end but more in terms of getting to know people, Presenting was still really really hard for me because of my anxiety and even with my medication I was hyperventalating a lot, so im glad i often went on Thursday bc of my last name because I could make little adjustments, I was always afraid I was going to do the project wrong. I've definitely grown in this class, and have definitely figured out that the 7 series is the weed-out classes bc they are so different. But I do think I will be able to "hang" with the major and this class definitely helped me in that so thank you :)
And Thank you Desiree you were great; helpful, kind, sarcastic(i love haha) and so much more. I really hope you get approved for next year!!

freewrite: french styyyle

I think from my confession project we've established im a tennis person and I love that i'm a tenis person )i dont love teaching large groups of unrulely children but hey...) I also love that people know that I'm a tennis person and when even the grand slams take place I alllwayysss get various question about rules, who my prospects to win are, etc.
The French Open has been going on these past and i just wanted to share some of a fb conversation I had with my friend...



So I had a question? But how do the surfaces differ? Like clay, hard and grass? What makes a player better on one and not the other? Like why is Rafa unreal at the French, why does clay fit him so well and not Roger?



because hes an fing good slider for 1



From what i've gathered, the hard courts would seem to favor the guys that can hit harder because it will be faster right?



clay= sliding, grass, you can slide but not as much, grass is cool bc it wears throughout the tournament and there get to be dead spots on the courts, pretty cool

hard is just the all around consistant, even though its not actually consistant bc humidity and temp and crap like that effect it

yeah, its the fastest



Clay bounces higher right?



but its not really that people prefer hard because its faster, though some def do, but the clay and grass and csrpet courts have to be learned in a different way thats why the americans are screwed on everything else bc we dont have enough options in terms of court materials

yeah, thats why they get super fluffy

actually what am I thinking, grass is the quickest, bc its alive and have water which makes them slick

oh and back to nadal, clays good for him bc hes scrappy and runs for everything also his spin makes it really hard to return and his stance, though its going to f him over in the end is good for the bounce because its not consistant. thats why i'm not his biggest fan, bc for the way he plays is going to make him have a way short career then he will....

It goes on for like 20 minutes but I think you get the picture, I love talking tennis :)

my dad and I when I was I believe 13...dont exactly look different

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Personal Lucky Space Pennies

The inspiration for my project initially came from my roommate Maddie who, whenever she finds a "lucky penny" she gets so excited, one time I was with her when she found 2 in a row and was simply ecstatic. Her love of this childish but hey, profitable, exhuberance over the idea of "luck" makes me smile and that is where I got inspiration for the penny portion of my project. The "confession" aspect is kind of inspired by this picture I saw online a few months ago that was an abandoned building with something like "I will____" written over and over where people filled it in. I almost did the project in the fill in the list style but I wanted the cards to be more personal. I think I really wanted to do this project because I have been thinking a lot lately about how "lucky" though i'd personally say fortunate or grateful I am. I have a mom who was diagonosed with breast cancer last october an although the worst is not over I have confidence she will be fine, also on another note, to help me express my feelings being away from her I use the 3x5 and 4x6 cards to express my own little doodles about how I feel. Also final inspiration would originate from when I complain anywhere near my father who always responds with "you're lucky Jenny, do you know how lucky you are?" which sounds sweet but its always in his passive aggressive tone so i always respond with a "yes dad" but without the guilt factor, I know I am lucky, not as much as some and way more than others and I was really interested to see what people would put. Also considering its finals time I thought It would be the perfect time, as a way to put things in perspective. Unfortunately, although I thought my spot would be a good spot, I mis-calculated and I didn't get much participation, besides the class, about 5. What I hated were the oh 5-8 odd people who stopped and asked about the project and said it was a good idea but they didn't participate. (though...just saying, it would have been way better if I was allowed to write with clack on the cement, I was really bummed, not going to lie. The worst part of my project was carrying all of my supplies to Storke alone, my arms just about died, My backpack weighed 18 lbs on its own plus I had a bajillion pennies, and extract crap plus a poster board, a piece of plywood and a metal magnetic board. When I got there, My hands were purple and they were shaking so bad I couldn't write for like 10 minutes. heck I'm still sore. All in all though I actually really liked my project, I just wish I had more participation.