Friday, June 3, 2011

Concerns/Fears revamped

(this is a hindu symbol that means basically coming full circle)
Well in terms of timing and the start time i was pretty on the spot, sorry about that.
I think I came into this class thinking it would be different than it was, I loved the class overall but I was very intimidated and in a couple of cases, the intimidation got the better of me and I changed to something more comfortable (narrative/sequence assignment comes to mind, I was so overwelmed with that project and I ended up having about 5 written spoken word pieces, and I just chose the poem I did because it was the most meaningful to me that wouldn't make me cry. I do think I came out of my shell by the end but more in terms of getting to know people, Presenting was still really really hard for me because of my anxiety and even with my medication I was hyperventalating a lot, so im glad i often went on Thursday bc of my last name because I could make little adjustments, I was always afraid I was going to do the project wrong. I've definitely grown in this class, and have definitely figured out that the 7 series is the weed-out classes bc they are so different. But I do think I will be able to "hang" with the major and this class definitely helped me in that so thank you :)
And Thank you Desiree you were great; helpful, kind, sarcastic(i love haha) and so much more. I really hope you get approved for next year!!

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